Saturday 2 March 2013


I am weightless, here in illuminate darkness I can only drift. It's been ages since I encountered another out here, there is nothing to attract me or repel me. Stuck out here alone I can occasionally catch a whisper coming from a far off place, a planet, a star, maybe another drifter like me. Every day I watch the needle on my oxygen tank get a little lower. Is there a planet out here that's meant for me? And will I find it before the needle is finally at rest? Sometimes I talk to the far away stars, ask them if they have a planet I would survive or thrive on. Flat whispers return, I couldn't quite make it out. Think they said 'no' again.

Hang on, I'm getting close to that planet... I can hear it! There's people down there singing, it's the most beautiful melody I've ever heard! Maybe if I can just angle myself this way... okay, I'm on course for it! I can't wait to get down to the surface, to breathe real air, breathe life itself, and most of all I want to sing that beautiful melody with those people. Nearer now... what the hell was that flash? A large meteor shot past me, aimed right for my planet. My would be planet. Having to witness the further destruction of hope for a home, my soul bled. The force of the explosion blasted me away to the far side of the system. More alone than ever, I just floated and stared at that needle. My panicked breathing had accelerated it's descent. My melancholy turns to rage, and I scream into the darkness for the right planet to give me some sign, some indication that it exists, so that I might find it. My rage turns back into melancholy as the universe does not answer.

How long have I been drifting? The needle doesn't tell me the time, only the time left. It won't be long now. Huh... another planet way over there. If the universe sees fit to destroy this one, I'll have to give up finding my place entirely. Not enough oxygen to make it to another. I hear no singing from here, monotone beeps, and aggressive boops, but nothing I would call a song. I don't like this planet, but I'll land for a refill of oxygen. After that, I'm going back into space. Alone.

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