Friday 1 March 2013

Unfiltered Rambling

TVs (among with all other technological wonders) have programmed us to be unfocused. We eat or clean while watching TV, barely focusing on the show. And if we do focus on the show, have no fear, the commercials will be there to break our focus. So, we end up checking our phones to see what Bob Saget is up to, or we just stare blankly at the ad for yoghurt that we know by heart. Anything but actual thinking.

The only time the average person uses the forgotten function of their brain ("imagination") is when they're in the shower or lying awake at night. And the average person will tell you that they win arguments in the shower and solve global problems right before they sleep. Poor fucks are cheating themselves out of perceiving the world in creative new ways, or imagining new and better worlds where Bob Saget will respond to your tweets. All because they think they need to be engaged by external sources at all times.

Every other toy these days is some singing-flashing-sensory-overload-piece-of-crap (probably some conspiracy Duracell orchestrated so they'll stay in business). New generations are being trained to be unfocused unimaginative little darlings even worse than we were. I know religion is getting more and more unpopular, but nonreligious people often forget that a lot of good ideas are put forth by religions (that crucifixion bit was classic*!). The Sabbath was to be a day to rest and to worship this God fellow (apparently he was a rather stand up gentleman). Since ancient times lacked our spaz-happy forms of entertainment, the Sabbath was essentially a day of contemplation. We, on the other hand, use our weekends to go to the bar, watch TV, or relax with some friends. Those things are all fine, but we should leave ourselves enough time to keep holy the Sabbath. The Sabbath allows our subconscious mind to be a bit more conscious. Maybe it always speaks to us, but we don't hear it because there were reruns of Breaking Bad that needed our full attention.

If I ever accidentally get a girl pregnant, and my Home Alone style traps around the house fail to cause a miscarriage, I think I'll promote my child's imagination. I'll ground the little bastard for no reason and tell him/her to think about what they've done. That's parenting the Randall way!

*yes yes, Romans blah blah blah.

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